Wenting Chen 陈文婷

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Electrical Engineering,
City University of Hong Kong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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[Pinned Message] I will graduate in 2025 and am looking for postdoc position.

About Me

I am a final year Ph.D candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Yixuan YUAN, Prof. W.S Tommy Chow, and Prof. L.H. Leanne Chan. I am visiting Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, supervised by Prof. Xiang Li and Prof. Quanzheng Li. Before that, I received the B. Eng and M. Eng degree from College of Computer Science and Software Engineering in Shenzhen University of China in 2017 and 2020, supervised by Prof. Linlin Shen. From Dec. 2019 to Nov. 2020, I had interned in Tencent Jarvis Lab, supervised by Dr. Shuang Yu and Prof. Yefeng Zheng.

My research interests lie in vision-language model, multi-modal large language model, generative AI, computer vision and their applications on medical AI, with a focus on report generation, medical image synthesis, endoscopy super-resolution, retinal image segmentation, multi-modality diagnosis, etc.

Welcome to contact me about research collaboration, please don't hesitate to drop me emails if you are interested.


Selected Publications



Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) of City University of Hong Kong

Research Tuition Scholarship of City University of Hong Kong


EE4146: Data Engineering and Learning Systems, Semester B 2023/24, CityU.

EE1001: Foundations of Digital Techniques, Semester A 2023/24, CityU.

EE3206: Java Programming and Applications, Semester B 2022/23, CityU.

EE3206: Java Programming and Applications, Semester A 2022/23, CityU.

EE2331: Data Structures and Algorithms, Semester B 2021/22, CityU.


Conference Reviewer: MICCAI'24,23,22.


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